There are certain tasks that you can hire some random person to do and not worry about it. Electric work is definitely not one of them. Choosing the right electricians could potentially be a life or death choice since a poorly done job could lead to someone getting electrocuted or even having your house go up in flames.

Granted, there are some small electrical tasks that you can do for yourself like changing a bulb, but when you start dealing with installing power points or transformers or even changing plugs on an overseas electrical appliance, you need to get a licensed and qualified electrician.

What to look out for

When choosing electricians, there are three critical things you must check out before hiring them:


All electricians must be Registered Electrical Contractors (RECs) and licensed to do the work you need them to do. There are different laws in different states so you need to be aware of them in reference to their credentials. If you are found to have hired an electrician for a job he/she isn't licensed to do in your state, you could face some trouble with the law. He/she should also be a member of the NECA, ECA, ESAA or any other certified electrical body.

Skills and experience

Do they have the skills and experience for the specific work you want done? Do not assume that all electricians can do any work assigned to them properly. Instead, check out their website to see if your job is listed as one of their areas of service. Alternatively check trade reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and family. It is important to get the right person for the right job. You can naturally assume that if they're registered electricians, they'll likely perform well.


This is not a hard and fast rule but if the price is too low, the quality of work may be just as low. It may indicate that the electrician is getting cheaper, low quality materials, or don't know exactly what they are doing. Get several quotes on your job before making the final decision based on this and the previous criteria.

Remember it is required by law that electricians issue certificates of completion indicating that their work complies with wiring rules and state electrical legislation and that it has been tested and approved. Make sure to ask for this certificate when the job is done. You may need it should anything go wrong in the future.
